Describe a time when you felt bored.
You should say:
When it was
Who you were with
What you were doing
And explain why you felt bored
There are loads of times I can think of when I felt really incredibly bored! However, a time that really springs to mind is when I had to wait in Beijing West Railway Station for about 7 hours. I remember it vividly, it was the depths of winter, and a number of the tracks had been blocked with snow on the same routes that our train had to go on. So, all the trains were delayed because of this extreme weather. I was with one friend and we were heading to Zhengzhou to stay with a friend of his for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and see his family. Anyway, we ended up waiting for 7 hours in the crowded waiting room, and it was awful. It was not only really boring, but fairly uncomfortable. For most of the wait there were no seats to sit on, because there were so many people waiting for several trains in the same waiting area – all delayed. My phone was very low on battery and my battery charger had run out of power, so I couldn’t kill time by playing a phone game or chatting or reading online. Also, my friend was really moody so he was not good company at all, and didn’t really help at all to kill the time. He spent the whole time moaning about how hungry he was and how a pot noodle was just not enough to satisfy him. I paced up and down just feeling depressed and nervous for most of the time, until finally we could go down onto the platform and board the train.
本题属于旧题改编。在2019年9-12月和2020年的1-4月题库中出现过这样一道题:Describe a time when you got bored staying with others,两道题的相似度是很大的。本题并没有任何的限定,只是说明一个感到无聊的经历就可以了。
spring to mind:使人突然想起
depths of winter:深冬时节
a number of the tracks had been blocked with snow:很多火车轨道都被大雪阻断了交通
be low on battery:电池电量不足。要注意这里的形容词low的使用。
my battery charger had run out of power:我的移动电源没有电了。
moan about:抱怨
pace up and down:来回踱步
board the train:登上列车
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