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  Manufacturers who advertise sometimes directly name one or two of theircompetitors and attack their products. What are your feelings about thisadvertising practice? Write an essay of about 250 words describing yourideas.

  Advertisers who directly attack their competitors may amuse me if they doit cleverly. However, they have probably lost me as a customer.

  Companies who attack their rivals remind me of people who boost their egosby criticizing others. When people do this, I often suspect they have little tooffer and may even have something to hide. I would rather find out what is goodabout a person, not what is bad about someone else.

  Similarly, I like advertising that lets me know about products that mightmeet my needs. I don't place much faith in ads telling me what may be wrong witha rival product. I tend to suspect that the information could be biased.

  I also believe advertisers are foolish to name their rivals because bydoing so they give the competing product free publicity. If the competition isworth attacking, I tend to think it may actually have something to offer.

  In advertising, as in life, I believe we should try to be the best we canbe, without belittling the next person - or the rival product.
