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  (一) Are zoos necessary?

  Recently there has arisen a heated debate over whether zoos are necessary.People retain diverse attitudes towards this hot issue. Before presenting myview, I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.

  Advocates of zoos hold the belief that the benefits of zoos to anycommunity are conservational, educational and recreational. To begin with, it isan effective way to preserve some rare animals and endangered species in zoos.The natural environment is no longer a suitable habitat for some species whichare on the verge of extinction due to the deterioration of environment andhunting.

  Zoos help increase the population of endangered species and thus maintainthe ecological balance.

  Moreover, zoos also serve as an ideal scientific research center wherescientists can conduct experiments to find out the causes of some diseases thathave been troubling animals and discover the cures. In addition, it is alsopossible that scientists breed more new species. Besides protecting endangeredspecies, zoos play an important role in improving the public knowledge ofanimals.

  Animals in zoos keep people in touch with a more natural and animal world.Last of all, zoos are a place of entertainment and recreation. They are also agreat tourist attraction which boosts the local tourism.

  Some other people, however, are strongly against zoos for several soundreasons. Primarily, it is morally wrong to take an animal from its home, confineit in unnatural settings and use it for our entertainment. The nature of zoosreflects a worldwide human arrogance towards other species and fosters adisregard for all life. Furthermore, overcrowding and unnatural groupings ofanimals can create stress and lead to severe injury and even death and deathsfrom aggression, disease, stress and ill treatment are common. Worst of all,adults and children visiting zoos will be given the subliminal message that itis OK to use animals for our own ends, though it impinges on their freedom orquality of life; thus zoos will encourage poor treatment of animals moregenerally.

  In the final analysis, both sides have sound foundations. However, if askedto make a choice, I will not hesitate to assent to the latter. I believe thatanimals belong to their natural habitat in the wild and it is a breach of theirnatural rights to take them by force into captivity for our own purposes;therefore zoos should be discouraged.