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  The best way to solve environmental problems is to raise the price of fuel.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  As we see, smog is choking our cities and toxic chemicals are contaminatingour drinking water, lowering the quality of people's living conditions.Naturally, the question is in the spotlight whether it is effective to cope withenvironmental problems by raising the price of fuel (这个句子写得比较特殊,因为是讲前面的 thequestion 和后面的同位语从句 whether it is effective… 隔开了,"凶手"是谓语部分 is in the spotlight.俗称,分割式同位语从句) . And my sense is that it is a good way, but never the best.(59words)


  It is true that manufacturers, whose aim is to make more profits, have tolimit the amount of fuel used in production by some way (多么不好的表达!本来句子写得挺好的,结果来了句by some way,可以理解为通过某种方式,这样的话,应该不能算是错误的,但是从另外个角度,总觉得这个表达放在这个句子里有点"鸡立鹤群"的感觉,由于作者水平很高,所以能不能想想办法,精益求精呢?!), due to the increase of fuel price, to cut down on their cost of products,reducing the emission in the process of manufacture(作者整句的意思是想说:"生产商的目的是获得更高的利润,所以必须通过某种方式限制生产过程所用的燃料,因为燃料价格上升了,这样做可以降低产品的成本,减少生产过程中气体排放."在我翻成中文以后,我们再来看这个句子,最后的reducing the emission ...应该是可以理解了,它是 limit the amount of fuel used in production的结果状语,而 to cut down on their cost of products呢?!是目的.总结一下,这个句子完全可以当作我们翻译课上的例句,因为对翻译来说,老师最喜欢这样的句子,考验学生对句子结构的分析,此作者能写作这样的句子,水平看来和我有的一拼(小小自恋一下,呵呵...)但是,雅思考试的时候,考官是否能看懂呢?!我想考官是能够看懂的,但问题是考官会不会花心思去看?!这个是因考官而异,所以我主张,句子写得复杂没有问题,但是结构一定要清晰,不能复杂到连考官都琢磨半天,那就不好了!!!这句话,我乍看之下,能够理解,那么推定考官也能理解,所以还是不错的). (超级长句,很不错) Also, faced with sharply growing price of common fuels, producersmay turn to new types of energy resources that are economical as well asharmless to environment (还是前面加个 the 吧, environment 是可数名词) , in long term(前面逗号可以不要,然后改成 in the long term .看来作者对冠词的把握不好) 。


  But, as usual, only when the government or authoritative organizationsenforce environmental regulations on producers will the latter scenario happen.(倒装句开头,不错.另外,大家可以学个单词 ,scenario ,它在此表示"可能发生的情况"比如: The death of democracy becomesquite a likely scenario.) In other words, the authorities play an active role iNPReventing the excessive pollutants from pouring out into rivers or air. Withoutthe compulsory clauses, manufacturers may choose low-cost fuel, rather than theone inoffensive to the surroundings, for, in the short term, manufacturers,especially small ones, can not afford the high expense on( 是 of 吧 ) advancedequipment that can make the most of resources, and thus, lessen the pollutants.(又是个厉害的长句,但是对冠词的把握仍然是瑕疵)


  Furthermore, on the whole, the high fuel price of energy resources can noteliminate the pollution, because there, whether more or less, has still beenpollution ( whether more or less 虽然是插入语,但是感觉这句这样写有点不自然,而且后面是用完成时似乎也不对.试改为: thereis still more or less pollution. ) . And, the radical approach to theenvironmental problems lies with the environmental awareness of producers. Withthe broad awareness about the importance of sustainable development, producersare willing to develop renewable energy resources, instead of being compelled tocarry out the environmental policy established by the government, which is moreeffective but more difficult to reach. ( 长句,大家欣赏一下吧 )

  So, the environmental problems can be solved by the rise in price of fuelpartially, but not radically. And then, better to take advantage to all theprice mechanism, administration and the public's knowledge, than to make use ofonly one of them. ( 348words )


  试改为: Therefore, raising fuel price can, to some extent, tackle theenvironmental problems but is far from thoroughly and the combination of pricemechanism, administration and public knowledge is much better than make use ofmerely one of them.
