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  Some people think the housing shortage in big cities can only be solved bythe government. Do you agree or disagree?

  In major cities, problem(可数名词前面既没有冠词,又是单数!避免这种用法,改成problems更好些) withhousing shortage seems to have climbed at an alarming rate. So some people holdthat the unique solution for(solution后接to) the problem depends on governmentaction. To be frank, I’m in high favor that the problem of housing shortage isthe responsibility of not only governments but also individuals and enterprises.(55words)



  Like any else(和后面的句子连起来,总觉得很便扭!), enterprises are in pursuit ofmaximization of profits, taking no consideration of the reasonable utilizationof land(可以简洁地写成land utilization). Big companies and factories located in thecity centre due to convenience in business exchange andtransportation(这句话的谓语动词呢?!难道是located?那么应该是are located in). However thesegigantic companies and factories have taken up so many places on city(?) thatthere are few lands resources(名词作定语要用其原形,即land) can be used in housing.(62words)



  On the other hand, overpopulation is also the cause of this problem.Especially in china(标点符号乱用,应该用逗号,然后小写!!!), although the growth of accommodationis rapid. It still can not meet the increasing needs of people(加个the可能更好些).Furthermore, with the burgeoning of some industrial cities. People, attractiveto(这里到底想表达什么意思呢?!是不是attracted by的意思啊?!) comparative advantages, such aseducation and job opportunities, have been swarming into these “dreamland offantasy ”,which brings heavy burden to the limited housing resources.(68words)


  Finally, we can not deniable(低级错误,can后面能加形容词?!) the fact that governmentlack(单数名词怎么可以加动词原形呢?!) social awareness and consciousness of equilibrium betweeneconomic construction and utilization of land. the government of city withoutthe planning of sustainable development for land(此句似乎没有谓语动词!!!). The policiesshould be made to allow more skyscrapers to be built (47words)


  In conclusion, actions to implement the improvement of housing problemshould await the participation of government, big companies and factories andindividuals.(22words) (249words)
