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雅思写作考题之opinion compared



  Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.



  如:2009年1月10日考题Some people believe that the range of technology available toindividuals today is increasing the gap between the poor people and the richpeople, while some others say this has an opposite effect. Discuss both viewsand give your opinion.


  如2010年2月11日考题Some people think that politicians have the greatest influenceon the world. Other people, however, believe that scientists have the greatestinfluence. Discuss both of views and give your opinion.

  但是不论是何种对立观点,在回答此类题目时基本要把握的是考生必须在同一篇文章里面同时出现这双方的观点并进行适当的讨论,同时也绝不能忘记提问中的后一半问题giveyour own opinion,也就是说全文完成后应该要有包括自己观点在内的3方人的看法和意见。

  当然此类Discuss both of views and give youropinion在最近几年里的上升速度和出镜次数是远远盖过了雅思的典型提问方式Do you agree ordisagree,在剑桥系列4-7的16次题目中有6次是讨论双方的题目,分别是Cambridge IELTS5 Test3, IELTS6 Test2,IELTS6 Test3, IELTS6 Test4, IELTS7 Test1, IELTS7 Test2.那么到底该如何在短短的250个字内安排好3方人的看法呢?考试时若碰到此类问法,我们又该用什么样的回答结构来应对呢?还是以剑桥系列考官所给范文为例,我们分析如下:

  Cambridge IELTS5Test3有关竞争与合作的题目中,考官最后给出的参考范文是得分为6分的学生作文,文章共分成4段,结尾段是阐述自己观点和理由的段落,而中间两段分别介绍双方的看法,但是两个段落明显存在长短详略,所以考官给出的评语中有这么一句话:Althoughthe answer considers the main issues in the question, it deals much more withthe aspect of “competition” than it does with “cooperation”… However, the mainpoints are relevant and the writer’s point of view is generally clear.