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雅思写作考题之opinion compared



  我们再看一例Cambridge IELTS6 Test2有关体育明星高收入是否公平的题目回答,考官给出了一篇ModelAnswer,我们可以清楚的看到全文的4个段落的框架分法,开头和结尾段字数略少,并未在开头段直接亮明自己的观点和看法,相反的是留到结尾段才首次提出Personally,I think the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than thehuge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that oursociety places more value on sport than on more essential professions andachievements.

  主体两段字数比较接近,分别论证双方不同的看法,但是这篇考官范文也明确解答了不少考生的疑惑,就是在讨论双方的时候该以何种姿态来写,赞同还是批判?在此文中考官更推荐的是尽管未在开头段给出自己的观点,但是在论证双方看法时却有明显表露出自己的看法,因为在证明有人认为不公平时,考官除了提出他们的看法外,更是直接用However提出这些看法的错误性——Manypeople find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salarieswith those of top surgeons or research scientists… However, sports salaries arenot determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or thelevel of responsibility he or she holds… So the notion of “fairness” is not theissue. 而在下一段证明另一方,也是考官赞同的一方时,却并未出现如此的辩驳。

  由此可以看出,各位考生在回答此类文章时该采取何种姿态。当然我们在考官给出的Cambridge IELTS6Test4有关改变的题目回答中也能再次得到证明此种回答方式的科学性。

  考官的观点不像上篇是偏向某一方的,而是认为双方都有可取和不全面的地方,所以在4段论证过程中,考官对主体讨论他人看法时都同样地表达出了他们看法的片面性,出现类似Evenwhen people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop theworld around them from changing.以及However, reaching the conclusion that changeis inevitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better.最后在结尾段概括自己观点时,考官就给出了一个更为客观全面的观点,认为改变有时是有好处的,但是并不是所有的改变都会有好结果。
