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  (2)由关系副词when, where, why引导的从句。例如: I would like to analyze the reasons why agrowing number of teenagers are addicted togambling.(我将分析为什么越来越多的青少年沉迷于赌博的原因。)

  (三) 副词性从句


  (1)时间状语从句 e.g. When everyone is fully aware of the severity of fresh waterscarcity and takes effective measures, I am convinced that we will tackle thisproblem constructively.(当每个人充分意识到淡水短缺的严重性,并采取有效措施,我相信我们一定能妥善解决好这个问题。)

  (2) 地点状语从句 e.g. Where there is smoke, there is fire.(无风不起浪)

  (3) 原因状语从句 e.g. Pets should be forbidden because they may spread diseasesand damage the cityscape.(应该禁止饲养宠物,因为它们可能会传播疾病和有损市容。)

  (4) 目的状语从句 e.g. Old people should be encouraged to live in a nursing houseso that they can enjoy professional care and first-rate facilities.(应当鼓励老人到敬老院居住,这样他们可以享受到专业的照料和一流的设施。)

  (5) 结果状语从句 e.g. Some government officials fail to recognize the potentialhazards of improper waste disposal, so that the environment in some cities isdeteriorating.(一些政府官员未能认识到垃圾处理不当带来的潜在危害,因此一些城市的环境不断恶化。)

  (6) 条件状语从句 e.g. If we continue to overlook the increasing waste inGuangzhou, it is likely that Guangzhou will become a huge landfill site sooneror later.(如果我们继续无视广州日益增多的垃圾,有可能不久的将来广州将成为巨大的垃圾填埋场。)

  (7)让步状语从句 e.g. While I admit that smoking has some side-effects, I stillfeel that it is ridiculous to ban smoking in publicplaces.(虽然我承认吸烟有副作用,我依然觉得公共场所禁烟是荒唐的。)

  (8) 比较状语从句 e.g. Red is two times as much as Blue.(红色是蓝色的两倍。)

  (9) 方式状语从句 e.g. Just as we protect less able human beings, so we shouldsafeguard the welfare of other weaker species.(正如我们保护弱者一样,我们也应该保护弱势物种的福利。)


  Well begun is halfdone是大家耳熟能详的英语谚语。也就是说,一个漂亮的开头,往往是文章写作成功的一半。尤其在雅思和新托福写作考试中,好的开头往往能够在瞬间吸引考官眼球,留下良好的第一印象。那么,我们怎样才能写漂亮的引言段呢?首先,我们要做到开门见山,明确写作话题和目的。