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  It is generally acknowledged that young people from poorer socio-economicbackgrounds tend to do less well in our education system. That's observed notjust in New Zealand, but also in Australia, Britain and America. In an attemptto overcome that educational under-achievement, a nationwide programme called'Headstart' was launched in the United States in 1965. A lot of money was pouredinto it. It took children into pre-school institutions at the age of three andwas supposed to help the children of poorer families succeed in school.

  Despite substantial funding, results have been disappointing. It is thoughtthat there are two explanations for this. First, the programme began too late.Many children who entered it at the age of three were already behind their peersin language and measurable intelligence. Second, the parents were not involved.At the end of each day, 'Headstart' children returned to the same disadvantagedhome environment.


  As a result of the growing research evidence of the importance of the firstthree years of a child's life and the disappointing results from 'Headstart', apilot programme was launched in Missouri in the US that focused on parents asthe child's first teachers. The 'Missouri' programme was predicated on researchshowing that working with the family, rather than bypassing the parents, is themost effective way of helping children get off to the best possible start inlife. The four-year pilot study included 380 families who were about to havetheir first child and who represented a cross-section of socio-economic status,age and family configurations. They included single-parent and two-parentfamilies, families in which both parents worked, and families with either themother or father at home.

  The programme involved trained parent?educators visiting the parents' homeand working with the parent, or parents, and the child. Information on childdevelopment, and guidance on things to look for and expect as the child growswere provided, plus guidance in fostering the child's intellectual, language,social and motor-skill development. Periodic check-ups of the child'seducational and sensory development (hearing and vision) were made to detectpossible handicaps that interfere with growth and development. Medical problemswere referred to professionals.