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  Education from the age of three to five is undoubtedly vital, but without asimilar Focus on parent education and on the vital importance of the first threeyears, some evidence indicates that it will not be enough to overcomeeducational inequity.


  1. personality is formed 性格的形成(重要短语)

  2. basic skills 基本技能

  3. expand 扩张,扩张,膨胀(雅思核心词)the city expands.

  4. It is generally acknowledged that young people from poorersocio-economic backgrounds tend to do less well in our education system.(It isgenerally acknowledged that 人们普遍承认)

  5. disadvantaged home environment 不利的家庭环境

  6. cross-section of socio-economic status 不同的社会经济地位

  7. fostering the child's intellectual, language, social and motor-skilldevelopment 培养智力,语言,社交和运动发展能力

  8. check-up 体检

  9. interfere 干涉(雅思核心词)

  10. verbal 言语,口头

  11. Child abuse 虐待儿童,abuse 虐待,滥用。 Abuse power 滥用职权

  12. parent-child interaction 家长孩子互动

  13. access to 接入,进入 You need the password to get access to the system.
