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  For nearly 15 years the Chinese government has been talking about improvingthe air quality in Beijing, and by its own measures it seems to have done apretty good job.


  Since the city launched a campaign in 1998 to clean up the atmosphere, thenumber of “blue sky days” recorded by the government increased each year until2011, when it achieved a record 286 days with supposedly clean air, comparedwith 100 in 1998.


  But as anyone who has lived for long in Beijing can attest, “blue sky” is asomewhat redundant concept when applied to the celestial capital.


  Over the weekend, air pollution readings in the city were the worst sincerecords began about four years ago, with the concentration of fine particulatesreaching a level 75 times greater than that considered healthy under the latestUS standards.


  A thick layer of toxic fog blanketing Beijing for days blotted out the sunand disrupted traffic as residents were warned to stay inside and avoid anystrenuous activity to minimise their exposure to the hazardous fumes.


  Despite years of official rhetoric and a couple of years when there was anoticeable improvement, the air seems to be getting worse and could even presentthe new administration of Xi Jinping with a credibility crisis. Chinese andinternational experts say one of the biggest problems the government faces isthe willingness of officials at all levels to sacrifice environmental concernsfor the overriding imperative of economic growth.


  A lack of accountability, the weakness of agencies tasked with tackling theissue and the ease with which data collection and presentation is manipulatedall compound the problem.


  “China’s national leaders have ordered an improvement in air quality butthanks to misreporting and manipulation of data at the lower levels, they oftenaren’t aware of the severity of the problem,” says Steven Andrews, anenvironmental consultant who exposed official manipulation of air pollution datain Beijing in the run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games.


  “For lower-level officials, they can often get the same results bymanipulating the data as they do by enforcing emissions standards.”


  Since enforcing these standards means confronting powerful stateenterprises and power producers – many of which have emissions-treatmentequipment installed but choose not to use it because of costs – many officialsprefer to massage the numbers, Mr Andrews says.


  Chinese scientists who have conducted independent studies on air qualitysay all sorts of tricks are used by the authorities in order to provide datathat show improvements.


  These range from blatantly changing the readings to putting city airmonitoring stations in places where pollution levels are lowest, such as inparks.


  Another problem is that China’s definition of unhealthy pollution levelsseems designed to downplay the issue – the highest concentration of toxicparticulates regarded as “excellent” in China is three times higher than the USconsiders healthy.


  That many Beijing residents are even aware the “fog”?they?breathe is badfor them already marks a huge leap forward compared with just one year ago.
