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雅思大作文:companies and private individuals should pay to clear up the pollution


  雅思作文题目:Some people think that companies and private individuals should pay to clear up the pollution they produced, the government should not pay for it, to what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


  Government, the policy maker and the revenue distributor, has been dedicating to economic development while protecting the environment. If too many resources are allocated into environmental issues, not only will the economy be hold back but also businesses and individuals are excessively indulged. Therefore, they should pay for the waste produced , then processed and recycled.

  Companies need to cope well with by-products from their factories. Although such request sounds against their profit-purchasing nature, they have to implement accordingly for their social sustainable development. It is easy to take a review of what happened: Early factories had been dumping stink effluent and belching smoke through pipes until the first urban centres were polluted. Their societies then suffered the decline of living standard, severe medical problems and even extensive deaths including those factory owners. Consequently, all industries should deal with the waste manufactured, or in other words, bear its cost compulsively rather than optionally for the sake of the whole society.

  It is reasonable to charge ordinary people for producing pollution and waste when considering the two following scenarios. First, if citizens insist on prioritizing the private vehicles over public transport, more exhaust gas would be emitted per person and this definitely increase greenhouse effect. Also, when they enjoy the convenience of cheap one-off products such as chopsticks and throw them away with no hesitation, they are actually encouraging mass production of such commodity and wasting precious natural resources. Thus, a costly purchase of the car plate can hold back potential car owners and paying for recycling fees of the disposable encourages the times of these products used before disposal.

  To summarize, I believe financial and penal approach feasible as it would be too late counting on the raise of general awareness and responsible of industries and the majority.