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雅思大作文:the international community should take action to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels


  雅思作文题目:The international community should take action immediately to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


  While the demand for energy has reached the historical peak in the modern world, the environment damage due to the widespread use of fossil fuels has also been the same case. To combat these crises, a worldwide cut of consumption of traditional fuels is proposed.

  This proposal is surely understandable. Compared with clean energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power, fossil fuels are blamed for some severe deficits. Coal and oil are dirty, emitting carbon dioxide when being burnt in the electricity production. They are not renewable either, which means they will be used up sooner or later. No wonder that oil has been a culprit of regional wars in the Middle East where the abundant oil reserve is boasted. Therefore, it is a consensus that developing and adopting alternative energy resources is a promising solution for humans to cope with these challenges.

  However, there is resistance from various stakeholders to this suggestion. The strongest one is from those countries where coal and oil are the pillar industries and major source of revenue. Coal and petrol companies would be reluctant to give up their vested interest. Traditional fuels are cheaper, and the technology and facilities involved have been available for centuries, such as the pipe for transporting oil and natural gas, and the extraction and refinement process and techniques. However, we cannot afford these short-term economic interests at the cost of the devastation of our earth home.

  To sum up, given the severe threats to human survival, international community should call for substitutes for fossil fuels as soon as possible, if not immediately, to tackle environmental degradation and energy crisis. It surely takes considerable time and endeavour, but we may not have sufficient time to wait.