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  Television advertisement aimed at children. What effects of this on children? Should TV advertisement be controlled?



  关键词television advertising





  Para 1 开头段引入

  Para 2 影响

  1) 生理:长时间专注屏幕造成视力下降

  2) 心理:一些偏商业的广告会促使孩子购买一些不必要的零食或者玩具,形成不良饮食或生活习惯;另外,广告中出现的一些负面信息一定程度上影响孩子身心健康

  Para 3: 电视广告是否应该被控制取决于这类广告的积极或者消极性质

  1) 一些具有教育意义的广告应该被鼓励

  2) 而另外一些有可能会导致盲目消费的广告就应该被控制

  Para 4 结尾段总结


  Currently, a debatable argument over whether children should be exposed to the environment teeming with TV advertising has already aroused public’s attention. According to the discussion, this article tends to focus on the effects it may cause on little children as well as point out the opinion towards whether it should be limited or not.


  The first concern should be the influence it may exert on the younger generation. This, to a large extent is due to both physical and mental effects. On the one hand, companies always post some images as well as flashes on screens for the sake of attracting children, and thus long-time exposure to those colorful pictures may cause damages to their eyesight. On the other hand, profit-oriented advertising stimulates the eagerness for children to purchase some unnecessary commodities such as junk food and toys, which contributes to the development of their unhealthy diet or living habits. Besides, negative information such as violence or pornography may find their way in television advertising, which to some extent may leave a negative impression on the youth.


  However, in terms of the issue whether TV commercials for children should be less adopted, the answer depends on the influence it may impose on children. For those that provide little children with a large amount of useful information, limitation should not be taken into consideration. This is due to the fact that those ads about educational events can develop children’s cognitive abilities, artistic creativity pt active lifestyle. Nevertheless, to another concern, for these advertisement that cause wasteful consumption, they should be regulated by the government, since those may leas to a long-term effect on the rates of children’s diet-related disease, such as obesity and high-blood pressure.


  In a nutshell, the impacts that television commercials exert on the younger generation should be analyzed both physically and mentally. Individually, laws or regulation only need to be imposed on those which contain negative information.
