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  本预测适用: 亚太地区(中国大陆地区,港澳台地区,亚洲其他地区(日韩泰)以及澳洲,新西兰,新加坡,马来西亚等国家,以上地区笔试部分(听力阅读、写作)为统一试卷,口试内容基本在共同的以下40几个预测话题中选择变化).
  特别提醒:一直有烤鸭希望我把口语预测题目压缩到剩下10几个,这是极其危险的。事实证明,每场考试每个考点考室的口语话题加起来有30-40几个,如果迷信很少的几个话题预测,偷工减料,那后果不堪设想。最近一段时间以来 ,雅思口语题目和写作题目经常互相借用,拼凑组合,特别是新的写作题目经常取自于口语话题,这其实是好现象,说明我们的口语和写作是可以一起准备的,不要把他们孤立开来.
  Part 1-2-3(有的联系到Part 3)
  1. Personal Present Situation:
  Are you a student or do you have a job?
  a) study和谐英语
  What do you like most about your studies? What is your major?
  Which is the best university in China?
  Do you think your present subjects are relevant?
  b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
  What are your job prospects?
  What do you do for a living?
  Describe your job in detail.
  Is your job important to you?
  If you could, would you change jobs?
  Are their possible changes that could affect your job in any way?
  Describe an ideal job.
  2. Shopping Do you like / enjoy shopping?
  When was the last time you went shopping?
  Where do you go shopping?
  What kind of shopping do you dislike?
  What’s the worst part about shopping?
  What do you think about online shopping?
  Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small shops?
  Describe a shopping center.
  3.Hometown Where are you from?
  What’s the most interesting part of your hometown?
  Has your hometown changed in recent years?
  Describe your hometown.
  4. Emails (and Letters)
  Do you like writing to people?
  How often do you write an email or a letter?
  Who do you write to?
  Do you often write letters?
  Who do you write to? (by letter)
  Which do you prefer, to write a letter or write an email? (Why? Compare them.)
  5.Live in a flat or house
  Do you live in a flat or a house?
  What kind of flat?
  What is outside the windows?
  what is there on the walls?
  what can you see when you look out the window?
  hometown  Describe your living place.
  6.What do you do in your leisure time?
  What relaxation do people around you like?
  What kind of activities do people of your country do for relaxation?
  Why do people need leisure? Describe a leisure activity
  7.Describe a picnic or meal outdoors Park
  8.Film/movieDo you like watching movies?
  How often do you go to the cinema?
  Why do you like to watch films?
  Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
  What kind of films do you like?
  Who is your favorite movie star?
  What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?
  9.Describe your favorite sport
  Talk about a kind of sport. You should say:
  What it is?
  Whether it is popular?
  Who likes it?
  10.PartyWhat is the difference between formal and informal party?
  What do you wear to a party?
  Do Chinese people often hold parties?
  On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?
  11. Do you like / enjoy shopping?
  When was the last time you went shopping?
  Where do you go shopping?
  What kind of shopping do you dislike?
  What’s the worst part about shopping?
  What do you think about online shopping?
  Do you prefer to shop in big stores or small shops?
  12. FoodWhat kinds of food are popular in your country?
  What is your favorite food ?
  What’s your favorite food when you were a child?
  Can you cook?
  Do you like cooking?
  Who cooks in your family?
  Have there been any changes to Chinese food these years?
  Would you like to try a new food that you have never tried before?
  Do you like sports?
  What sport facilities do you have near your home?
  Are there any sports you would like to try?
  14.HolidayDo you like holidays?
  What did you do last holiday?
  Which country would you like to go to?
  15.Reading / Magazine / Newspapers
  Did you read a lot in your childhood?
  What kind of books do you love reading?Why do you think people now read less?
  How do you get your news?
  What kind of news do you like?
  16. Television
  What kind of programs do you watch?
  What kind of programs did you like watching when you were a child?
  What are the effects of watching too much television?
  Describe your favorite TV program.
  17.Do you often go to the cinema?
  Do you often go to the theater?
  What kinds of movies do you like best?
  Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her.
  18. Do you like music?
  Do you think music is important?
  What kind of music do you enjoy most?
  How long do you listen to music everyday?
  Have you learned to play any musical instrument?
  Can you play any musical instrument? And what’s it?
  What does friendship mean to you?
  Do you have a lot of friends?
  Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?
  What do you usually do with your friends?
  20. DrivingDo you often drive?
  Is it necessary to learn driving?
  Is it important to drive well?
  When would you allow your children to drive?
  Describe a skill- driving.
  21.Flowers do you think flowers are important to our lives?
  Do Chinese people like growing flowers?
  Do you like growing flowers?