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  Part 3
  1. Keep fit/ Health(Part 1-3重点,热点)
  Describe a good thing that can improve your heath.
  what it is, when did you have it. whether you like it,and explain what do you think this thing is.
  children should improve their health?
  -what do you think should help children to improve their health.
  -How people improve their health in their life?
  --Do you think advertisement should play role in improving public health?
  Do you like traveling?
  How do you usually travel?
  Where have you traveled to lately?
  Describe a journey/ long travel
  3. Healthy food
  how government promote it
  Part 1-2 Fruit/Vegetables
  Do you like fruit/vegetables?
  How often do you eat fruit/vegetables?
  What kind of fruit/vegetables do you like best? Why? 
  What are the benefits of eating more fruit/vegetables?
  4. Weather ,Climate ,season
  Describe your favorite season or time of the year.
  You should say:
  what season it is
  what the weather is like at this time
  what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do)
  and explain what is special about that season.
  part2:最喜欢的season or time in a year(when?why like?do what?)
  你怎么知道天气变得cold or hot?
  冷的地方与热的地方 都有什么好处和坏处?
  5.Describe a sport event
  What is it about?
  When did it happen?
  Who won the game at the end?
  How do you feel about this game?
  6.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
  You should say:
  What kind of advertisement it was
  When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement
  What product you bought
  Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product
  7.Science and technology
  Describe an electrical appliance/a machine or something electronic you want to buy.
  What modern appliances do you have in your home?
  What do you think of these appliances? Why?
  Some people cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. What should they do?
   Do you think it is important to develop science and technology?
  How does scientific research benefit our life, education and so on? What do you think is the most significant/important scientific achievement in recent 50 years? What scientific research should be made in future?  8.Describe a famous person that you admire.
  You should say:
  Who the person is and where he/she lives
  What the person does
  The things you admire about this person
  And explain what you think people can learn from this person.
  9.Describe a historical place
  when to build
  how do you know it