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希腊网站新招 发诅咒帖释压


希腊网站新招 发诅咒帖释压
Stressed Greeks find release in e-curse website

Fed up with neighbours, old flames, and the government? Why not unload with a curse?

Greeks fed up with their pesky neighbours, old flames, the government, or society in general can find release in a new Internet site that posts e-curses for free.

"Have you been dumped, harassed or angered? Why not unload with a curse?" offers www.e-katares.com (e-curse.com), which currently has more than 150 entries.

Most postings on the site are from jilted lovers but there are also contributions aimed at Greek taxi drivers,banks, the public sector and even Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis.

"May his next pasta meal give him salmonella poisoning," one user rants against the premier, whose love of food is a popular barb among opposition media.

In Athens, locals usually relieve stress through a variety of offensive hand gestures, most frequently whilst caught in one of the capital's trademark traffic jams.

"Studies by (EU statistics service) Eurostat show that Greeks have gone from being positive and relaxed to having the worst stress in Europe ... over job uncertainty and the collapse of traditional social structures," sociology professor George Piperopoulos told the daily Ethnos, which publicized the site Saturday.


该“诅咒”网站向人们发出邀请:“你被抛弃、感到烦恼、生气吗?何不来e-katares.com 诅咒一下呢!”目前该网站上的“诅咒贴”已超过150个。


一名用户发贴诅咒他:“希望他下次吃饭时沙门氏菌中毒。” 科斯塔斯总理对于美食的热爱经常成为反对党媒体攻击嘲讽的对象。



be fed up with:对……感到厌烦

old flame:旧情人