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为求好工作 MBA亦需让步


At International SOS's headquarters in Singapore, Mr Bustarret (pictured), a Frenchman, is in charge of developing large medical projects, often supporting oil or mining corporations when they move into a new region, supplying doctors, nurses and medicine. In the past year, he has spent about 25 per cent of his time travelling, as far afield as Indonesia, Ghana and Liberia.

One of the elements of the job he enjoys most relates to the additional social requirements as part of the mining or drilling concession – healthcare education or malaria prevention.

For Mr Bustarret, two factors attracted him to the Singapore-headquartered company: it was a truly international company, with 60 offices worldwide; and he wanted to “work in a company that makes sense, that makes a contribution”.

While Mr Bustarret, who claims he was never cut out to be a management consultant or a banker, chose International SOS as his favoured recruiter, many MBAs graduating this summer who did believe they were destined for those two professions will look at Mr Bustarret with envy.

For as the bulk recruiters from finance and consultancy rein in their plans, many MBA students will have to make compromises in three areas in order to get a job. First, many will have to rethink the geography of where they work, looking at areas such as Asia and the Middle East rather than the US or Europe.

Second, they may have to take a job in a small or medium-sized company rather than the huge partnership or conglomerate they had expected. And third, they may have to look at lower-paying industries.

The business schools are laying on a special welcome this year for smaller companies, says Marianne Wisheart, head of human resources at Power Advocate, the energy consultancy. “It's really exciting. The schools have been rolling out the red carpet.”
商学院今年将为规模较小的公司安排特别的欢迎仪式,能源咨询公司Power Advocate人力资源主管玛丽安·维希哈特(Marianne Wisheart)说,“这真是令人兴奋。学校已经铺好了红地毯。”

As a company with 75 employees, such a welcome at the US's top business schools is a novel experience. “We've been able to penetrate some of the top-tier schools that we haven't been able to recruit from before,” says Ms Wisheart.

Though a small company, 30 per cent of employees have an MBA and others have technical masters degrees. Successful applicants will probably take up jobs in management or supply chain management in the privately owned company, which gives share options as part of the pay packet.
尽管是一家小公司,Power Advocate的员工中30%都有MBA学位和其它技术硕士学位。成功的申请者可能会得到管理层或供应链管理职位,而且作为薪酬方案的一部分,他们还将获得这家私营公司的股票期权。

Pay will certainly be an issue for many graduates this year. At Molson Coors Brewing in the UK, which is one of the companies looking at recruiting MBAs at London Business School for the first time, salaries will not compare to those offered last year in the City. But Richard Bradley, head of client services at Alexander Mann, to which the brewer outsources its UK recruitment, says successful candidates should be able to see a 25 per cent increase on the salaries they earned before their degree. In the longer term, the MBA should give them the ability to rise rapidly through the company, he says.
对今年的许多毕业生来说,薪水肯定会是个问题。英国的莫尔森库尔斯酿酒公司(Molson Coors Brewing)今年第一次考虑在伦敦商学院(LBS)招聘MBA毕业生。该公司提供的薪金与去年伦敦金融城给出的水平不可同日而语。但 Alexander Mann(承接该啤酒生产商外包的英国招聘服务)公司客户服务主管理查德·布拉德利表示,成功的候选人获得的薪水,应该可以比他们取得MBA学位之前高出 25%。从长远来看,他说,MBA学习应该让他们具备了在公司迅速升迁的能力。

Though many companies are able to recruit MBAs for the first time, they will still have specific requirements. Power Advocacy, for example, will be looking for those with an engineering or technical background; International SOS will require a global mindset.
虽然许多公司今年首次能够招聘MBA毕业生,但它们仍会有具体的要求。例如,Power Advocacy将寻找那些有工程或技术背景的MBA;国际SOS将需要应聘者具有全球性思维。

Mario Ferraro, general manager for international human resources at International SOS, says a growing number of schools are providing global managers. “We see from one year to the next that business schools are more able to provide these (global managers).”
国际SOS的国际人力资源总经理马里奥·费拉罗(Mario Ferraro)说,提供全球经理人的学校正越来越多。“我们看到能提供这些(全球经理人)的学校正逐年增多。”

Mr Bustarret's advice to MBAs graduating this year is to be realistic. “You can't change industry, location and type of job all at once. What I would advise is, be sure of your strengths and build on that.”