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晒太阳不留痕迹 英国发明“透视”泳衣


A "see-through" swimsuit that will eliminate tan lines has been developed by British designers.

The Tan Through range from Kiniki – launched earlier this month is transparent when held up to the light.

Thousands of microscopic holes in the mesh fabric allow 80 per cent of sunlight to penetrate through to the skin. However the garment is covered in 'magic eye'-style animal prints and abstract patterns which confuse the eye so onlookers can only see a solid block of fabric.

A swimsuit bought direct from the company's website costs £34.30 while all other items are £17.43.

However health campaigners warned that the garments could contribute to already increasing cases of deadly skin cancer.

Richard Clifford, secretary of 'Skcin' – the Karen Clifford Skin cancer charity – said: "By virtue of the fact they are putting a swimsuit over the skin it would be very difficult to apply sun cream underneath.

"I think it is a dangerous idea and in the interests of vanity. We recommend UV protected clothing and this is the very opposite.

"Five people a day are diagnosed with malignant melanomas. It is a killer and affects more people here than in Australia."

A spokesman for the British Skin Foundation said sunbathers should take a responsible attitude

He said: "Although this may sound like an attractive idea to many people looking to get a tan this summer, the fact that it lets through 80 per cent of sunlight should be the worrying factor.

"This will mean that people can still damage their skin from UV light, as seemingly the swimsuit will not offer any type of cover to the skin.

"If people are looking to get that tanned look, there are safer alternatives to sitting out in the sun, like spray tanning."

Kiniki owner John Walker, 58, who has been manufacturing underwear and swimwear for over 35 years, said the company warned customers to be extra vigilant when sunbathing.

He said: "They are selling like hot cakes. We only officially launched four weeks ago but we cannot keep up with demand at the moment."

"We have a disclaimer saying customers have to put on a sensible level of sun block.

"Customers have to be responsible because the fabric does let the light straight through."


Kiniki公司于本月初推出的这款Tan Through系列泳衣在日光下是透明的。
















magic eye:三维立体图

by virtue of: by reason of; because of(由于)

spray tanning:日光浴喷雾,即用喷雾做人工日光浴

sell like hot cakes:热销

disclaimer:a statement, document, or assertion that disclaims responsibility, affiliation, etc(免责声明,弃权或不申诉条款)