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两岸关系初暖 贸易促双赢


The largest ever mainland Chinese buying mission to Taiwan has signed contracts worth $281 million, and up to nine other similar groups are on the way, the official Chinese Xinhua News Agency reported, in a sign that a political thaw between the rivals is leading to a rapid economic pay-off for Taiwan.

While the mission from China's southern Guangxi province was wrapping up deals in Taiwan - everything from electronics to leather goods and agricultural produce - a high-level delegation from Taiwan signed cooperative agreements on the mainland on Thursday worth 38.3 billion yuan ($5.6 billion), Xinhua said.

The Taiwan delegation, headed by the chairman of the island's ruling Kuomintang party, Wu Poh-hsiung, signed the agreements with Chongqing municipality in western China. Xinhua said that of the total, CHY25.3 billion, was related to financial services, an area targeted by both sides for expansion to facilitate greater trade and investment.

Ties between Taiwan and China have improved rapidly since Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou took office in May 2008, pledging to set aside longstanding political disputes and enhance exchanges.

The two sides have agreed to establish the first regular two-way air and shipping traffic in six decades. Last month, they reached agreement in principle to end a ban on investment from China to Taiwan, and to further open financial services.

Taiwan will begin accepting applications from Chinese firms to invest in local companies in early July, and plans to allow Chinese investment in up to 101 sectors in manufacturing, services and public construction, according to an Investment Commission draft proposal seen by Dow Jones Newswires.
根据道琼斯通讯社看到的台湾投资审议委员会(Investment Commission)一份计划草案,台湾将从7月初开始接受大陆企业投资本地企业的申请,并计划允许大陆投资制造、服务和公共建设等最多101个行业。