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美国个人资产净值上升 为消费蓄势


The net worth of Americans rose for the second consecutive time during the third quarter, the U.S. Federal Reserve said in a report Thursday that showed evidence of an important step towards restoring the spending power of U.S. consumers.

The Fed said total net worth of households increased 5.0% in the July-to-September period, to $53.42 trillion from $50.76 trillion in the second quarter.

Net worth is the value of assets such as homes, stocks and investments minus liabilities, including mortgages and credit cards.

The rise in wealth should help consumers--a key growth engine for the U.S. economy--to rebuild their finances and to start spending again. Still, household wealth remains well below the $65 trillion peak hit two years ago, before the recession began and before stock markets hit their high.

'Overall, this was an encouraging report, showing that households are repairing their balance sheets, thereby supporting future consumer spending,' said Michelle Meyer, economist at Barclays Capital.

The U.S. economy is slowly emerging from its worst downturn in decades. The economy expanded by an annualized 2.8% in the third quarter, the first increase in more than a year, lifted by higher consumer spending.

The Fed data showed financial assets July through September climbed 5.6%. Climbing stock market prices this year have fattened portfolios beaten by the Wall Street crisis in the autumn of 2008.

The Fed's quarterly 'flow of funds' data showed U.S. non-financial debt rose at a 2.8% annual rate July through September. It went up 4.5% in the second quarter.

Household net worth in the third quarter climbed to about 4.86 times disposable personal income, from a second-quarter ratio of about 4.63 times income.

U.S. household debt decreased at a 2.6% annual rate in the third quarter, the fifth drop in a row. Home mortgage debt slid 3.6% and consumer credit fell 3.2%.

美联储(Federal Reserve)周四报告显示,第三季度美国人资产净值连续第二个季度上升。这说明美国消费者朝着购买力的恢复迈出了重要一步。




巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)经济学家梅耶(Michelle Meyer)表示,从总体上来看,报告鼓舞人心,显示出家庭正在修复资产负债表,从而为将来的消费支出提供支持。




