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韩机器人演员拍戏 饰演公主


A South Korean-developed robot that played to acclaim in "Robot Princess and the Seven Dwarfs" is set for more leading theatre roles this year, a scientist said Wednesday.

EveR-3 (Eve Robot 3) starred in various dramas last year including the government-funded "Dwarfs" which attracted a full house, said Lee Ho-Gil, of the state-run Korea Institute of Industrial Technology.

The lifelike EveR-3 is 157 centimetres (five feet, two inches) tall, can communicate in Korean and English, and can express a total of 16 facial expressions -- without ever forgetting her lines.

Lee acknowledged that robot actresses find it hard to express the full gamut of emotions and also tend to bump into props and fellow (human) actors.

But he said a thespian android was useful in promoting the cutting-edge industry.

"South Korea is an active frontier in developing robots and we thought that making it would be a good way to promote our technology," Lee told reporters.

And just as visitors to New York flock to Broadway, tourists in Seoul may be drawn by a robot actress, he said. "We will try more plays this year with help from the National Theatre and the government."

Robots in future could also play a role as stagehands controlling music and lighting, Lee said.

South Korea has in addition developed a walking robot maid, a robotic penguin, koala and rabbit, and a variety of other models.

In 2007 a robot named Tiro was master of ceremonies at the wedding of one of its designers.












acclaim: praise and approval for somebody/something, especially an artistic achievement(尤指对艺术成就的)称誉,高度评价

gamut: the complete range of a particular kind of thing 全部;全范围

prop: a small object used by actors during the performance of a play or in a film/movie 道具

thespian: an actor 演员

android: a robot that looks like a real person 人形机器人

cutting-edge: the newest, most advanced stage in the development of something(处于某事物发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段

stagehand: person whose job is to help move scenery, etc. in a theatre, to prepare the stage for the next play or the next part of a play 舞台工作人员(负责移动布景、准备道具等)