Twenty percent of Britons have managed to send racy texts to the wrong person, and nearly one in 10 has been caught red-handed "sexting," according to a poll on Tuesday.
Under-25s are the most careless, with 43 percent admitting to sending fruity texts to the wrong contact. Men and women were equally guilty.
"Text and picture messaging has now become so second nature that people are less cautious, leading to messages frequently going astray," said Keir McConomy, Managing Director of SellMyMobile.com which commissioned the survey.

"A key aspect of text messaging is that it allows a more detached method of communication. This was part of its initial popularity and a likely explanation for the large number of people willing to send out explicit content."
The survey of 1,097 mobile phone users also revealed that one in five respondents fail to wipe their phones of personal content such as contacts, messages and pictures before selling, giving away or recycling their mobiles.
racy: having a style that is exciting and amusing, sometimes in a way that is connected with sex (风格活泼的;不雅的)
be caught red-handed: 被逮个正着
fruity: 粗俗的,色情的
second nature: something that you do very easily and naturally, because it is part of your character or you have done it so many times(第二天性;习性)
go astray: to go in the wrong direction or to have the wrong result(走错方向;误入歧途)
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