Teenagers would rather be taught about family values than about sex, a survey has found.
They see the responsibilities of being a parent as the number one ‘fact of life’ – ahead of sexual intercourse, contraception and sexually-transmitted infections.
The findings suggest the current emphasis in schools on the mechanics of sexual intercourse including how to use a condom does not match the priorities of youngsters.
Nearly half of girls say they want sex education to focus on the consequences of pregnancy, not the biology of sex.

The survey of 13 to 16-year-olds also found that more than a third of boys want to know what ‘being a parent’ is all about and that no issue was deemed more important by so many.
Experts from Hull University said they were surprised the majority of teenagers they surveyed support ‘moral’ ideas about having sex.
Most believe their first sexual relationship should be special and that sex should only take place in long-term serious relationships.
The survey was carried out by Dr Julie Jomeen and Dr Clare Whitfield of the university’s faculty of health and social care.
Dr Jomeen said the findings were important because a national strategy to cut teenage pregnancy had failed, while sexually-transmitted infections among young people are rising.
Labour pledged in vain to halve the rate of teenage pregnancy while in government – spending £246million in pursuit of its target – and the UK still has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe.
Dr Jomeen said: ‘There is quite clearly sexual activity in school age children.
The survey of sex and relationships among 2,036 teenagers from nine schools in both affluent and deprived areas found 46 per cent of girls and 38 per cent of boys rated being a parent as the most important topic to know more about.
In second place for girls was the morning after pill, with 41 per cent wanting to learn more, while 34 per cent of boys wanted more information about sexual intercourse.
facts of life: the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring(性知识;生殖功能,尤指对儿童讲的,通常使用复数形式)
deprived: without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life(贫穷的;贫困的;穷苦的)
morning after pill: a drug that a woman can take some hours after having sex in order to avoid becoming pregnant (房事后服用的)女用口服避孕丸,紧急避孕药
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