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Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says the situation at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant remains precarious, with new reports saying the reactor core of one of the units may have been damaged after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

In a nationally televised speech Friday, Mr. Kan said the country must remain vigilant as the prospect of an increased radiation leak grows by the day. The prime minister thanked the emergency workers he said are "risking their lives" in the effort to cool the nuclear plant.

Earlier Friday, an official with Japan's nuclear regulatory agency told reporters about the possible damage to the reactor core, which is located in Fukushima's number three unit. The unit was damaged by a hydrogen explosion three days after the twin disasters, and the new report raises the likelihood of greater radiation contamination to the area.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano urged residents still living within a 20 to 30 kilometer radius of Fukushima to voluntarily leave the area. 



