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Developing Asian economies will continue to grow strongly this year but will face the risk of surging prices, says the Asian Development Bank’s annual economic outlook released Wednesday. The bank lauded China’s recent interest rate hike as an appropriate move to tackle inflation.


Rhee Changyong, chief economist of the ADB, says economic growth among developing nations in Asia will average 8 percent both this year and next.


However, economic activity could slow if governments fail to adequately tackle surging food and commodity prices. Pakistan is expected to suffer the highest rate of inflation this year at 16 percent, followed by Vietnam at 13.3 percent.


Rhee says with developing Asia home to two-thirds of the world’s poor, governments need to make inflation a top priority.


On Tuesday, China raised interest rates for the fourth time since October to help curb rising prices. Rhee said China is moving in the right direction.


"Still I believe there is room to tighten monetary policy a little bit more because their policy rate [interest rate] compared with inflation rate is still at a modest level," Rhee said.


India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and South Korea have also raised interest rates in recent months.


Rhee said the economic impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami on the Japanese economy will be large in the next two quarters, but will moderate in the long run as reconstruction spending kicks in.

李昌镛说,3月11号的地震和海啸给日本的经济造成的冲击将于未来两个季度显现出更加严重的局面,但从长远来看, 重建的支出可以缓解经济的压力。