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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday the government appears headed toward a shutdown, as President Barack Obama and congressional leaders remain deadlocked in a budget dispute. 

Reid, a Democrat, said he is not nearly as optimistic about solving the impasse as he was Wednesday night after meeting with Republican House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama. Boehner on Thursday said talks are "progressing" to reach a compromise on a spending plan through the end of the government's fiscal year in September. But he said no deal has been reached yet on the size of the budget cuts or on policy statements Republicans favor about abortion rights and environmental issues. Reid and Boehner were meeting at the White House again Thursday afternoon to try to work through differences on a budget for the fiscal year that began last October. Without an agreement before the end of Friday, many functions of the U.S. government will have to cease operations. In a message on Twitter, Mr. Obama said that with the U.S. economy still emerging from an "extraordinarily deep recession," it would be "inexcusable" not to reach a compromise. 

The House of Representatives is voting Thursday on a Republican proposal for a one-week spending extension to keep the government running beyond Friday. Senate Majority Leader Reid said he opposes that bill, calling it a "non-starter." The White House says Mr. Obama will veto it, if it makes it to his desk. 


