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Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara is calling on all fighters to lay down their weapons now that defiant leader Laurent Gbagbo has been captured. In a national address Monday night, Mr. Ouattara called for peace in a nation where four months of post-election violence has killed hundreds of people and displaced up to a million.

The U.N. human rights office said Tuesday that at least 536 people were killed in recent fighting in western Ivory Coast.

Mr. Ouattara said former president Gbagbo, his wife Simone and other close associates are in custody and that they will be treated with dignity and brought to justice. The 69-year-old leader also vowed to set up a truth and reconciliation commission to hold those who committed human rights abuses and other crimes accountable.

Pro-Gbagbo forces and fighters loyal to Mr. Ouattara have both been accused of killing and raping civilians since the political crisis began in December. 



