Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh says the government is planning a crucial design difference for the Jaitapur complex.
"Today, a very important decision has been taken, that in Jaitapur... each reactor will have a stand-alone safety system, a stand-alone dedicated operation and maintenance system. This is a very major step forward," Ramish said.
Press reports here in India quoted Ramesh on Saturday as saying it may be necessary to "press pause" on the Jaitapur project in the interest of safety. He downplayed those comments Tuesday. So, did Maharashtra Chief Minister Chavan, who offered assurances that nothing would be built in a rush.
"The first two units are expected to become operational in 2019. It's a long process. It's not that we'll switch on the reactors in one or two years. It's a long process which involves safety review. It's a long process," Chavan said.
The Jaitapur complex is likely to face continued opposition not only on safety grounds, but from local residents who say the complex will deprive them of their homes and livelihoods.
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