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President Barack Obama says the White House released his long-form birth certificate Wednesday because questions about his birthplace have become a distraction. He said the country faces "enormous challenges" and he has better things to do than deal with the "silliness" about whether he was born in the United States. He said there would be some people who would not put the issue to rest, no matter what information is released.

Mr. Obama's comments came shortly after the White House released the long-form birth certificate to again refute claims that he was not born in the United States.The certificate says he was born August 4, 1961, in the Pacific U.S. state of Hawaii.

So-called "birthers" believe the president has not provided adequate proof that he is a natural born citizen and therefore eligible for the presidency. New York real estate mogul Donald Trump, who is surging in polls among possible Republican presidential candidates, has been vocal in questioning whether Mr. Obama was born in the United States. He claimed credit for forcing Mr. Obama to release the document.

Mr. Obama's presidential campaign released a short-form certificate of birth in 2008. Mr. Obama, born to an African father and an merican mother, had lived in Indonesia in his youth.



