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U.S. emergency officials say at least 200 people have been killed in violent storms and tornadoes that have swept through the southern U.S. states in recent days. 

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said Thursday the severe weather has killed 131 people in his state, and that he expects the death toll to rise.He said several Alabama counties have experienced massive property destruction, and that up to one million people may be without power. The governor said Alabama officials will ask U.S. President Barack Obama Thursday to expedite a major disaster aid request. 

Late Wednesday, Mr. Obama declared a federal state of emergency for Alabama, authorizing assistance for its 67 counties. An Alabama emergency official said some 2,000 National Guard soldiers are helping in rescue operations in the state. 

On Wednesday, a tornado devastated the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, home to the University of Alabama. Buildings throughout the city were flattened, and many city operations are unable to function.

In addition to Alabama, officials say the storms have killed 32 people in Mississippi. Fatalities have also been reported in Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Arkansas.




