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"They are thinking of the possibility you could have a magnitude eight, which makes sense. The largest aftershocks of an earthquake over the years around the world we've observed tend to be about one magnitude unit less than the main shock, more likely within months, but it could be years."


Professor Sagiya of Nagoya University says the March 11 quake also “activated” inland faults.


"They may be not as large as magnitude eight, but because they occur just beneath our cities, our house, they can be quite disastrous," said Sagiya.


Professor Stein - a former editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research - agrees that as a result of the March 11 temblor - the fourth most powerful ever recorded - the quake risk has increased for Japan, one of the world’s most seismically active places.


"We sometimes use this analogy of a kid's game called 'booby trap' where you have a bunch of little blocks and there's a spring piston and it pushes on them. And, once you disturb one piece then you increase the possibility that the other pieces are going to be pushed and slip also," said Stein. "So if you think of Japan in that way you can realize that once you've had a huge earthquake of this sort there's a chance that a lot of faults could have smaller earthquakes."


Seismologists caution the public that their work is still an inexact science. They note improvements for indicating where a big quake approximately will occur, but not when.


They also acknowledge that this year’s huge magnitude 9.0 was not anticipated, looking at the historical data.


That was also the case with the December 2004 earthquake off western Indonesia, which measured magnitude 9.3.


That prompted seismologists and geologists to re-examine the world’s subduction zones, areas where oceanic plates slide beneath either a continental plate or another oceanic plate.


Some of the researchers, analyzing fresh data, are now challenging the conventional thinking and willing to state that most, if not all, of the world’s subduction zones (more than a dozen are recognized) are able to generate quakes equal to or exceeding magnitude 9.0.
