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G8 members have called for the resignation of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, while saying they could provide up to $40 billion in aid to Arab nations trying to establish democracies.
The statements came in a final declaration wrapping up a two-day summit of the world's eight most industrialized countries in Deauville, France. The so-called Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East and Northern Africa topped the agenda.
The strongly worded declaration said Gadhafi "has no future in a free, democratic Libya. He must go." It also called for an immediate end to use of force against civilians by Libyan troops and said those responsible must be held to account.
The declaration called on the Syrian government to stop using force and intimidation against the Syrian people. It said G8 members are "appalled" at the deaths of many peaceful protesters and at repeated and serious violations of human rights.