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Pakistani politician and journalist Ayaz Amir says the now-constant attacks in both the Pakistani and foreign media are taking their toll on the armed forces.


"There is almost a sense of outrage as far as public opinion is concerned, and there are every day in the media there are things about, there are questions about your competence, about whether or not you knew anything," Amir says. "So it’s bound to have an effect on the morale of the army. And this kind of back-to-the-wall feeling, a feeling of being very hurt. It has really created an atmosphere of paranoia. It’s not a very good time for the army," he says.


The military has also long had a difficult relationship with the civilian authorities in Pakistan, which has experienced four periods of military dictatorship.


Political analyst Hassan Askari says there are parties that sense the military’s weakness and are capitalizing on it.


"There are political forces that want to make their own gains, therefore their theory is to make sure that when the military is down and is in difficulties it is the time to really press the military hard and to have their own agendas to be served," says Askari.


With attacks from various quarters continuing, there is concern the military may begin a push back. But after four failed attempts at running the country, some in Pakistan insist there will not be another military takeover - even if there is the possibility, as The New York Times article suggests, of a revolt within the army.
