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U.S.-based News Corp. is at the center of a phone-hacking scandal in Britain that is having serious business and legal implications for the media giant. There is increased scrutiny in the United States of News Corp. and its chairman, Rupert Murdoch.


Allegations that the U.S.-based News Corp. violated British law may have legal consequences for the company in the United States. Several U.S. senators and Republican Congressman Peter King have called for an investigation to determine if the company violated any American laws. Attorney General Eric Holder, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have responded with preliminary inquiries.


Jay Fahy, a former federal prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, explains relevant laws.


“On the criminal side, from what we know, it’s the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and perhaps some privacy violations, or mail fraud or wire fraud as to breaking into cell phone records," said Fahy. "There may also be bribery if cell phone companies were somehow given money.”


News Corp. is alleged to have bribed British police to get information for stories run in its tabloid News of the World. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act extends a U.S. prohibition against bribery to include U.S. companies operating abroad. Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson, who once served as a spokesman for British Prime Minister David Cameron, has been arrested in the case, which involves not only the possible tapping of cell phones in Britain, but of 9/11 victims in the United States.


News Corp. has also suffered multi-billion-dollar business losses. The media giant was forced to scuttle plans to buy a controlling share of the lucrative British Sky Broadcasting, Britain’s biggest satellite broadcaster.


Felix Gillette, a reporter for Bloomberg Businessweek, says the scandal has also pummeled the company’s stock.
