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美国经济再引忧虑 亚洲股市连连走低

Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda is vowing to make “an all-out effort” to prevent a further surge for his country’s currency.


Prime Minister Naoto Kan is also calling the strong yen a source of concern and says Japan has to closely watch foreign exchange markets.


The strong yen threatens to eliminate any economic rebound for Japan, following its devastating March 11th earthquake and tsunami. That fear is being echoed by Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa, who says the yen’s current level could negatively effect the country’s economy, the world’s third largest.


Meanwhile, a little-known Chinese debt rating agency has downgraded the U.S. credit rating.


Dagong Global Credit Rating lowered its rating for U.S. debt from A-plus to A. It says the deal reached in Washington this week will not solve the underlying U.S. debt problems nor improve the country's ability to pay.


The Chinese downgrade is not expected to have much effect on interest rates because the two major rating agencies in the United States have announced they will not immediately be altering America’s top rating.


Chinese Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiachuan is calling on Washington to impose “responsible measures” to manage its debt. In a statement, Zhou warned that volatility in the U.S. bond market could affect the international monetary system’s stability, jeopardizing a global economic recovery.


China is the largest holder of U.S. debt and the world’s second largest economy.
