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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees says it will start moving Somali refugee families into a new area of Kenya’s overcrowded Dadaab refugee complex. The new site, known as Kambioos, is close to the Hagadera camp, one of Dadaab’s three refugee camps.


More than 70,0000 Somalis fleeing drought, famine and conflict have arrived at Kenya’s Dadaab camp over the past two months, pushing the overall population to about 440,000. The new influx adds to the existing chaotic conditions of the overcrowded refugee complex.


When Dadaab was constructed 20 years ago, it was designed to accommodate about 90,000 people. It has since grown to be the world’s largest refugee camp and, in terms of its population, is now Kenya’s fourth largest city.

达达阿布难民营20年前兴建时,原来是设计容纳大约9万人。从那时以来, 这个难民营已经变成世界上最大的难民营。按人口计算, 它现在是肯尼亚第四大城市。

UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards says the camp is bursting with refugees and cannot accommodate more. So, new arrivals are forced to live in squalid, makeshift conditions on its periphery.


He says the UN refugee agency is working to ease this shelter crisis by transferring the first of several thousand Somali refugee families into a new site, which is planned to accommodate 90,000 people.


“Tents and infrastructure are being put in place and will provide much needed shelter and services," he said. "We are currently seeing 1,500 people arriving on average every single day. Many have been settling spontaneously on the outskirts of Ifo, Dagahaley and Hagadera, the three component camps of the complex. As well as needing food and water, these new arrivals urgently need proper shelter, medical help and other basic aid.”


Meanwhile, Edwards says the relocation of people into the new Ifo III Extension, which began July 25, is continuing. He says more than 15,000 refugees, so far, have been moved into the site.


In another bid to ease the overcrowding in Dadaab, Edwards says the UNHCR and its partners are working to expand an area, formerly known as Ifo II, to shelter the ever-increasing refugee arrivals.
