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Current and former U.S. representatives at the United Nations Food and Agriculture agencies Saturday wrapped up their three-day visit to Kenya to assess the international response to the Horn of Africa's ongoing drought and famine. They said aid agencies are able to access more areas in southern Somalia and that aid is reaching people in need, but more must be done.


The World Food Program's regional director, Stanlake Samkange, told reporters in Nairobi his agency is expanding food distributions in Mogadishu.


The agency can now operate directly in the Gedo region as well as in other pockets north and south of the Somali capital that were previously sealed off by the al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab.


"The access situation is changing in southern Somalia, I think because of the pressure and the serious condition there, and we are responding to that very actively and very aggressively," said Samkange.


But, he says, Mogadishu is still dangerous because of what he calls a "security vacuum" that was created following al-Shabab's recent withdrawal from there.


"Unfortunately, at a distribution a little over a week ago, after 70 percent of the distribution had passed peacefully, there was a disturbance amongst the security elements providing security there, and a number of people lost their lives and there was looting of some quantities of food," added Samkange.


Samkange was part of a U.S.-led delegation visiting the Kenyan capital and the Dadaab refugee camp near the Kenyan-Somali border earlier in the week. The aim of the three-day visit was to assess the effectiveness of international efforts to deal with drought and famine in the Horn of Africa.


Samkange said that, in the month of July, more Somali refugees showed up at Dadaab than in any other month in the camp's 20-year history, creating in his words, an "uNPRecedented challenge." Dadaab was meant to house 90,000 people, but the population now stands at 440,000 and rising.


He said aid workers have had to be flexible and innovative in dealing with the crisis.
