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While the U.S. economy continues to slump and company stocks plunge, trade and development experts are advising U.S. businesses of all sizes to start investing in Africa, a continent with many opportunities and growth potential.


A promotion for an upcoming October Washington U.S.-Africa business meeting organized by the Corporate Council on Africa makes a convincing sales pitch.


"Thousands of untapped markets, a vibrant and diverse continent with one of the most promising business environments in the world today, the continent of Africa is a place where smart companies invest."


Far away from Africa, in the central U.S. state of Indiana, in the city of Columbus, a representative for the Cummins engine-making company gives a tour of headquarters.


"We are inside the Cummins corporate office," said the representative. "Look at the wonderful sculpture that they have here, made of, what else would one except, engine parts for diesel engines."


The company recently decided to put more focus on Africa, especially in Nigeria where it is trying to become a leader in selling generators.


Another company looking more and more at Nigeria is the family-owned Louisiana-based dredging equipment company DSC Dredge. The company used to deal with Africa only through unsolicited emails but is now considering opening an office in Lagos.


The Africa expert at the Washington-based Atlantic Council J. Peter Pham says these companies know what they are doing.

设在华盛顿的大西洋理事会非洲事务专家法姆(J. Peters Pham) 说,这些公司知道他们在做什么。

"Certainly Africa is open for business and especially if companies are willing to invest for the long term I think there is a very healthy rate of return to be had in Africa," said Pham.


African economies are expected to grow on average by 6 to 7 percent in the coming years. Among countries with the most growth potential, there is new oil producer Ghana, with a national economy expected to grow over 14 percent this year.


Chinese companies, many with state backing or their government's help, have been very aggressive in Africa in recent years.
