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The International Monetary Fund says China's exports to Africa last year totaled $54 billion, while U.S. exports were at a much lower $21 billion.

Many major U.S. companies have had a foothold in Africa for years, led by soft drink maker Coca-Cola, and more recently other major U.S. companies are following, like Microsoft, IBM, Google, Procter and Gamble, General Electric, Boeing, Harley-Davidson, Wal-Mart and Caterpillar, to name a few. Companies with oil and mining interests have had a steady presence as well.


Development experts say smaller companies which have something to offer for Africa's growing middle class and infrastructure needs should also take a close look. A former U.S. ambassador in Africa, David Shinn, says the U.S. government should do more to help nervous companies take their first steps.


"Part of it is cajoling the American private sector, having perhaps a major conference led by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of Commerce or the president even to bring in potential investors and encouraging them to go to Africa," said Shinn.


J. Peter Pham from the Atlantic Council says U.S. entrepreneurs unfamiliar with the continent have mostly negative perceptions.


"Often the news coverage out of Africa is all about disasters, natural or human and other calamities, and not about the opportunities for economic growth for actually for profit in a win-win situation," he said.


Increasing tax incentives, as well as the number of commercial staff members at U.S. embassies which has dropped in recent years, are some of the ideas being proposed by trade experts to help smaller U.S. companies better tackle Africa as a business opportunity.
