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阿富汗战争十周年 当地民众感到失望


Afghans are expressing a mixture of disappointment and uncertainty about their future, as they mark the anniversary of the start of the Afghan war.


The United States launched its military campaign in Afghanistan, shortly after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The mission, hunt down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and topple the Taliban-led government.


While the Taliban were ousted from power, 10 years later, many Afghans still feel let down by the international effort to rid their country of the Taliban and normalize its institutions.


Sitfatullah Safi is the deputy chief of Afghan government media relations.


"There is a lot of achievement in Afghanistan in the last ten years, but not as much as people expect," said Safi.


Safi says the biggest disappointment is the failure to ensure Afghanistan's security.


"The Afghan people were hoping that international forces in the last ten years should secure their lives, and secure the Afghan borders - especially the east[ern] and south[ern] borders," added Safi. "But unfortunately today, the security situation is a big concern of the Afghan government and Afghan people."
