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U.S. Vice President Joe Biden says the White House will keep acting on its own if congressional Republicans fail to pass the Democratic administration’s jobs bill. Republicans are offering their own proposals.


Filling in for President Barack Obama to deliver the weekly media address, the vice president said difficult times call for urgent measures. “We have to act now to do everything in our power to keep this economy moving and to grow jobs," he said.


Vice President Biden said President Obama had already used his executive powers to reduce student loan payments, and help veterans find jobs and homeowners refinance their mortgages.


He also said the president spent time at the recent Group of 20 summit in France trying to keep the delicate economic recovery from being derailed, as European economies also deal with growing debts.


“He urged our European friends to step up and stabilize their own economies. Because if they fail, it will affect the whole world," he said.


In the Republican address, Senator Scott Brown, from the northeastern state of Massachusetts, said Republicans are offering their own solutions.


A bill he introduced earlier this year to repeal a new tax on government contracts was recently adopted by the Republican-dominated House of Representatives but has yet to be taken up in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
