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Syria's death toll mounted on Thursday, ahead of the arrival of an advance team of Arab League observers.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told VOA that nine civilians were killed during security force raids in the Homs region. The group says two other civilians died during unrest in northern Idlib province.
The violence unfolded as the advance team of observers prepared to begin its mission to help ensure that the Syrian government is following through on pledges to stop attacks on anti-government protesters.
The team is preparing for the eventual deployment of hundreds of monitors. Syria agreed to allow the observers into the country under global pressure to stop its bloody crackdown on nine months of anti-government unrest.
Syrian opposition officials say troops have killed at least 250 people since Monday -- one of the bloodiest periods since the anti-government uprising began in March.
The opposition Syrian National Council is urging the U.N. Security Council to hold an emergency meeting on the situation. It also wants the U.N. to declare safe zones inside Syria.