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A series of bomb blasts hit the Iraqi capital Thursday, leaving at least 63 dead and more than 180 wounded. The attacks came as Iraq is gripped in a political crisis between Shi'ite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Sunni political rivals in the government.


Ambulances ferried casualties to hospitals across Baghdad following the multiple explosions that seemed to target mostly Shi'ite areas. Witnesses say most of the apparently coordinated attacks occurred as people were heading off to work.


Iraqi government TV indicated that four explosions were of car bombs, while 10 were the result of roadside bombs. Baghdad's security chief said police found and disabled six other car bombs before they exploded.


The Sunni Arab satellite channel al Baghdadiya also reported failed assassination attempts against a top central bank official and a police general, and a rocket attack in a Shi'ite neighborhood.


There were no immediate claims of responsibility.


Hassan, a witness to one of the bomb blasts, complained that innocent civilians were paying the price of quarrels among politicians. He warns politicians to stop making innocent people pay for their disagreements.


The terror attacks come during the political crisis which erupted this week when Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite, tried to arrest Sunni Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi, accusing him of involvement in terrorist plots. Hashemi then fled to Kurdistan in northern Iraq.


Maliki demanded Wednesday that Kurdish leaders hand Hashemi over for prosecution of his alleged crimes. Kurdistan regional President Massoud Barzani is refusing to do so.


Hashemi, for his part, claims that the charges against him are trumped up, telling VOA that the conflict is the result of outside pressure from both Iran and Syria on Prime Minister Maliki.
