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In U.S. politics, the Republican presidential contenders are focusing their campaign efforts in New Hampshire in advance of Tuesday’s primary vote to choose a presidential candidate to take on President Barack Obama in November.


Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney got an enthusiastic welcome Saturday at a campaign rally in southern New Hampshire.


Romney leads in all the polls here but appears to be taking nothing for granted. He is well aware that New Hampshire voters can be fickle no matter what the polls say, so he is urging supporters to get out and vote on Tuesday.


“Let me tell you, don’t get too confident with those poll numbers," Romney said. "I’ve watched polls come and go and things change very quickly," It’s very fluid. I need to make sure you guys get your friends to go out and vote, and you vote as well.”


Romney is favored in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary and hopes to build on his razor-thin victory in the Iowa caucus voting over former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum. Romney, Santorum and four other Republican candidates will face off in a debate Saturday night, and then again, on Sunday morning before Tuesday's primary vote.


Santorum rode a wave of support from social conservatives in Iowa, including many Christian conservatives. But New Hampshire is known more for independent voters than strong social conservatives, so Santorum may find it harder to build support here.


Texas Congressman Ron Paul, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich are also competing in New Hampshire.
