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Gingrich has stepped up his attacks on Romney after being the target of millions of dollars in negative TV ads in Iowa, paid for by Ron Paul and by independent groups friendly to Romney.


“I don’t have their kind of money," Gingrich said. "But if I have you as supporters, I can have human beings who offset every vicious, negative ad and together we can insist on the truth.”


New Hampshire voters place a special value on being able to meet so many presidential candidates because of the importance of the state’s primary, said Mary Claire Heffernan.

“We just love the process. It is a great place to live because it really is retail politics. We were talking about the number of candidates we got to see over the years and it’s like nothing else. You get really close," Heffernan said.

Texas Governor Rick Perry remains in the race after a poor showing in Iowa. But Perry is largely skipping New Hampshire to focus on the next contest in the Republican race, the South Carolina primary on January 21st.


A Republican nominee to face President Obama will be chosen over the next several months after a series of primary and caucus votes in the various states.


Republicans will formally nominate a candidate at their national convention in late August in Florida. Democrats are expected to re-nominate President Obama at their national convention in early September in North Carolina.
