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Sunday's funeral of President Malam Bacai Sanha in Guinea-Bissau could mark the beginning of a turbulent few months for the politically-troubled West African country.


All flags fly at half-staff in Guinea-Bissau’s capital as Guineans mourn the loss of their president.


Malam Bacai Sanha died on January 9 in a Paris hospital of a prolonged, unspecified illness. He was 64 years old.


Though in office just two years, Sanha was viewed as a head of state who brought relative stability to a country where democracy has proved elusive.


Now, some in the population are feeling unease about what could happen next.


Opposition parties are already protesting at the move by National Assembly leader Raimundo Pereira to step up as interim president. But most citizens support Pereira, who is calling for an election within 60 days.


"Allocating the post of president to the head of the assembly is the constitutional thing to do," said Joao Gomes, a businessman in Bissau. "We want him to make sure the elections are carried out correctly. We need a president who brings peace and makes the country work."


Guinea-Bissau has had a tumultuous political history, with a series of military coups and assassinations during the last three decades.


Mr. Sanha was elected president in July 2009 following the assassination of his predecessor Joao Bernardo Vieria. More recently, a group of soldiers tried to stage a coup in Bissau on December 26.

2009年7月萨尼亚当选总统,之前他的前任若昂·贝尔纳多· 维埃拉被暗杀。最近,一伙军人试图于去年12月26日在比绍发动政变。

Richard Antwi, a 30-year-old pastor in Bissau, says people are used to the instability.


“The president before this one - there was an assassination," said Antwi. "They managed to solve the problem, a new one came, and now he’s dead. I mean, they are used to presidents who don’t finish their attempts, but they deal with it, so…”


Ansoumane Sanga, the justice adviser to Pereira, says even if violence breaks out, it would be controlled.


"Of course we have nagging little fears after what happened on the 26th here," he explained. "But even after such an event, the next day everything was normal; everything functioned normally. People understand that we have to carry on."


But Justino Pedro du Silva, a doorman in Bissau, says everyone fears the disruption that such political turmoil brings.
