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All of the academy’s Grade 12 students have been accepted to universities either in South Africa, or abroad. Most of them have graduated from high school with distinctions in multiple subjects. Now, it is with great excitement - and a bit of fear - that they leave their academic home. But Mashadi Kekana says she is prepared for the road ahead.


“I do feel pressure, pressure from myself, pressure from family, from the school - even though I’m not here anymore after this, pressure from my community," said Kekana. "But one thing I’ve noticed about OWLA girls, is that pressure makes us thrive. And as human beings, everybody reaches a point where they ask, am I good enough. And thanks to Mum Oprah and the support team we have here at school, the answer to that question now after five years is yes, I am good enough.”


As these girls take the next step on their life journey, a support system has been put in place. Advisors will be available to them, as they learn to manage their own lives and finances, and plan their futures. And for all of them, the future appears decidedly brighter, since Oprah Winfrey stepped into their lives.
