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An African Union summit has opened with the selection of Benin's President Thomas Boni Yayi as AU chairman for the coming year. The opening speeches reflected Africa's increasing shift toward the East.


China is the honored guest at this summit, and the opening session was filled expressions of gratitude for Beijing's gift of a new $200-million AU headquarters.


Speakers referred to China's rising influence in Africa, and to the continent's growing resentment at what is widely perceived as Western interference in African affairs.


AU Commission Chairman Jean Ping described 2011 as a year of trials and hardship, as Western institutions imposed solutions to crises in Libya and Ivory Coast, rejecting or ignoring African proposals.


"The events of 2011 have greatly strained some of our instruments and consequently our capacity to anticipate," he said."Sometimes they tested the strength of our unity and our ability to have our views prevail in some issues of vital interest to the continent."


The outgoing AU Chairman, Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema accused Western institutions such as the International Criminal Court of anti-African bias. Speaking in Spanish, and heard through an interpreter, Obiang said African leaders must not remain indifferent to what he called external interference.
