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"The African Union should study the creation of its own African criminal court to put an end to all of these unjust and discriminatory actions we have seen in the international justice," said Nguema. "Africa needs actions of great solidarity and coordination in order to avoid that others disempower us on their behalf and do whatever they wish to do regarding our countries."


The keynote speaker, China's top political strategist Jia Qinglin contrasted Beijing's foreign policy with that of the West. Speaking in Chinese through an interpreter, he said China had never attached strings to its offers of assistance.


"China will firmly support African countries in their efforts to uphold sovereignty and independence, and resolve African issues on their own," said Ginglin. "We maintain all countries big or small are equal, and we are opposed to the big, strong and rich bullying the weak, small and poor."


The opening session saw Benin's President Thomas Boni Yayi elected to a one-year term as AU chairman. The post rotates according to region, and Boni Yayi was the choice of the West African regional bloc known as ECOWAS. He is an economist who has led the small West African nation for six years.


As chairman, Boni Yayi will preside over the fierce contest for the African Union Commission chairmanship. That battle between the incumbent Jean Ping of Gabon and the South African challenger Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is to be settled Monday in a secret ballot of heads of state.
